Monday, June 15, 2009

Slept the day away!!

I hate when I do that. All those missed hours of sleep caught up to me I guess. I shall share a bit about the bridal/couple shower from yesterday. It was just lovely. The weather was perfect. Just enough breeze to keep it cool. I have to say that adults playing musical chairs is hysterical. The competition was fierce. I refuse to play games at showers any longer. I don't need any nicknacks or candles or wine or any other silly thing they give away for a prize. I prefer to just visit and enjoy the company of people who I usually don't get to see very often. I really enjoyed holding my great niece. She has gotten so round. So cuddly. And of course she is gorgeous. My great nephew is almost 2 and he speaks so clearly. Even not feeling well he was still a delight. I really only have one complaint about the entire lovely affair. A shower with no cake is a travesty! A criminal act! A crime against nature! I get the whole it's an oriental theme. But I am sure there are oriental parties that have cake! The ice cream in little take out containers was cute. But I kept looking for the cake in it....none. I almost cried. I was all ready for cake and there was none. I may be scarred for life. Then they started dancing. I loved watching my brother and sister in law dancing with my great nephew. My brother, the grandpa. So strange to think about that. I am sure a good time was had by all. Except there was no cake. There had better be cake at the wedding. Went to my mother's, MMQC, to show her the pictures we took at the shower. Spent some time with my sister, aunt and cousin. We had a grand time. I always have fun with my aunt and my cousin. They are hysterical. And my sister, well we have fun doing nothing together. I wish they could have stayed longer. They had a safe trip home. I hate having family spread out in different states. Thank goodness for unlimited long distance! Since I slept most of the day today I will have a ton of stuff to do tomorrow. Unless the happy house cleaning faeries show up tonight.... Yeah I doubt it, too. But hey you never know. Maybe they will bring cake.

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